Crystal Palace ultras fuming after claiming club have unfairly targeted them

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There could be trouble brewing at Selhurst Park after Crystal Palace’s ultra supporters claimed that they’ve been unfairly targeted by the club.

Though the tag ‘ultra’ can often be used to frame supporters as hooligans, it can also define a fan as being particularly supportive, for example by enthusiastically singing throughout a match or by helping to make and display tifo banners.

Football grounds are great places to be when the atmosphere is really bouncing, and more often than not, it’s the ultra groups that get things started in that regard.

As an older style ground, the Selhurst Park stands remain close to the pitch and as a result, it means the stadium still retains that sense of fear for visiting teams whose players have to run the gauntlet at throw ins and corners in particular.

The club may well have shot itself in the foot, however, as Your Local Guardian have reported that the Holmesdale Fanatics group have had their megaphones, banners and other paraphernalia taken away and locked in a storeroom.

“Saturday’s banners towards Croydon Council were a result of continued unnecessary targeting of the Palace support over the last few months,” a statement from the group said.

“Banner stands have been ripped down, storerooms locked and previously allowed materials suddenly banned from entering the stadium.

“On top of this, display banners are still banned from being hung from the upper tier leading to a huge reduction in the number of tifos produced.

“Due to these restrictions, we found ourselves unable to access drums, megaphones and flags before kick-off forcing the group to stop its usual support.”

With much of footballing tradition being sanitised for the modern era, many of the vestiges of tradition have gone, never to return.

If clubs are now going to veto having a section of hardcore support, it really is the beginning of the end for modern football.

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  1. Little good can be said about Croydon Council on any subject.
    A fancy new building replacing the old Taberner House offices just contributing to a self serving Council – who have long abandoned the idea of actually serving the people of Croydon.
    The conservatives unhelpfully do a Julius Cesar and wash their hands of involvement where even possible financial crimes may be swept un der the carpet – as no solid scrutiny or accountability is evident.
    As for the Ultras and “The Never Ending Story” of the New Stand – Palace appear to be doing a good job of alienating their fans.
    Croydon and its sporting relations – really is a mess.

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